

I think of myself as a skilled generalist, I may even say a specialised generalist. Throughout my personal and professional life, I have developed skills in multiple disciplines, ranging from writing, cooking, and painting, to computer programming, community planning, and architecture. I started my first business at the age of 12 and haven’t looked back.

I began my career in retail and hospitality in the mid 1980s. Since then, I have grown several businesses, and helped incubate numerous others. In Red Deer I am a partner in Sunworks Living, a business which provides specialised retail experience, business development, and quality accommodation. Sunworks also owns Tribe, one of Red Deer’s best restaurants.

I have been a mentor to many would-be entrepreneurs. In the early 1990s I branched into property and housing development with a focus on sustainable, affordable, and healthy living.

For the past 15 years I have worked in community development, designing policies and practices that help cities and organisations achieve their goals. I have facilitated visioning and planning which supports culture, housing, business, social diversity, and physical social infrastructure.

My work has always been focused on the creation of healthy oganisations, systems and spaces that improve well-being.

From 2010 through 2017 I worked as an elected city councillor in Red Deer, and served municipalities and Canada as a board and community member with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. In addition to policy development promoting healthy communities I have taken a keen interest in promoting good governance within organisations.

As has been a life long learner, I have studied linguistics, writing, business, computer science, music, arts, psychology, leadership, and philosophy. Currently I continue my learning in the fields of social constructionism, relational leadership, and coaching. My current work explores personal identity through the lens of relationships with the outside world.